Hello and welcome to my place on the net. Let us not talk about the obvious. The fact that this site is made by an amateur is probably something you already have figured out, but I hope the content will make you stay and come back for more.
I will fill your time with different subjects, there will be useful links and you will also find small histories from the regular life. You will find some pictures included, mostly from my holidays. Hopefully I will develop this page to something that appeals to you and it could be a site to return to.
Either way, please look around the site and make comments on what I can do to make it look better (not me, that is a hopeless task) and improve the content. You are also welcome to sign my guestbook.
URL: http://www.keydjes.se | All contents © Copyright by Keydjes | Last updated 2020-05-02 |
An Irish Airman Foresees his Death I know that I shall meet my fate W.B. Yeats |