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Click here In the spring of 1992 Helena and I went to Cyprus for a week of holiday. Helenas daughter Josefine was also with us, she was 2.5 at that time.

So we knew from the start that this was going to be a very relaxed trip, no partying, just sun and bath and nice evenings at some restaurant.

Well, it was sunny and warm during the days, but the nights was not very nice. If I remember it right it was only 14C one night. We didn't spend that much time outdoors in the evenings. And we did go to restaurants for dancing. Josefine came with us, she was dancing with some of the waiters, so she had a good time. This young lady went up to the waiter and took his hand and led him to the dancefloor. I wonder what would have happened if I had done that. He probably would have told me he didn't had time for it.

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